6 Things To Know About Dubai Labor Visas

6 Things To Know About Dubai Labor Visas

Dubai labor visas are essential for foreign nationals seeking employment in the Emirate, and understanding the intricacies of these visas is vital for both employees and employers. Below are six key aspects to know about Dubai labor visa:

Sponsorship requirement

Dubai labor visas are sponsored by employers or companies operating within the Emirate. This sponsorship ties the employee to the sponsoring entity and is necessary for legal employment in Dubai. The employer acts as the sponsor throughout the visa application process and is responsible for the employee’s legal status during their employment tenure.

Types of labor visas

Dubai offers various types of labor visas depending on the nature of employment:

  • Employment visa: Issued to individuals who have secured a job with a Dubai-based employer.
  • Mission visa: Granted to employees of foreign companies seconded to Dubai for short-term assignments.
  • Investor visa: Available for foreign investors and business owners setting up or investing in businesses in Dubai.

Validity and renewal

Dubai labor visas are typically issued for a specific duration often linked to the employment contract. They can be renewed provided the employee continues to meet all visa requirements, including employment with the sponsoring entity, satisfactory performance, and adherence to labor laws.

Labor card and contract

Upon arrival in Dubai, employees must obtain a labor card (also known as a work permit) from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE). This card verifies legal employment status and must be carried at all times. Additionally, a labor contract between the employer and employee, approved by MOHRE, specifies terms and conditions of employment, including salary, benefits, working hours, and responsibilities.

Medical fitness requirement

All applicants for Dubai labor visas must undergo a medical examination at an approved health center in Dubai to ensure they do not pose health risks to the UAE population. This typically includes tests for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.

Dependents and sponsorship transfer

Dubai labor visa holders may apply to sponsor their immediate family members (spouse and children) for residence visas, provided they meet certain financial criteria. Additionally, in case of job changes within Dubai, the sponsorship of the labor visa can be transferred to a new employer, subject to approval from MOHRE and compliance with immigration regulations.